Leading Edge Scholarship Experiences

From assessments to SAT scores and visa requirements, this is everything you need to know about the how, where and why of securing a life-changing scholarship through Soccer Assist.

What we do

We are Soccer Assist, where talent meets opportunity. From application to graduation, we guide student-athletes through excellence in soccer and academics to enviable outcomes and opportunities that change lives.

We are experts in scholarships - and ongoing support.

What is a scholarshiP?

Scholarships change lives. With potential discounts of up to 100% on the cost of tuition at some of the best colleges in the US, promising student-athletes will play, learn and grow as people throughout this process.

The scholarship pathway can lead to many outcomes, not just earning a degree, but also graduate employment, further education or the MLS/NWSL draft. It’s not just the opportunities in football that expand with a scholarship but those for life too.

Benefits of scholarship

Play at a different level. US college campuses host 8 out of 10 of the world’s biggest sports stadiums. You’ll play at some of the best facilities in the US, often in front of crowds of thousands.

A full degree at a fraction of the cost. Scholarships offer progress in both sport and academics. Combine the experience of playing in top US colleges with gaining a degree in your chosen topic, at a reduced rate.

Unmissable life experience. From California to New York, you’ll work and play in dream destinations, make connections and memories that last a lifetime.

Personal growth. For many student-athletes this is a unique opportunity for self-discovery, growth and seeing what they’re really capable of.

When to apply

Any time up to 6 months before admission.

The earlier the process begins, the better. We start supporting student athletes from 2+ years before college admission to the final year lead up.

What you need to consider:

  • 1-2 years before starting college is the ideal window.

  • For later applications, video footage needs to be readily available to avoid slowing down the admissions process.

  • College budgets are allocated 1-2 years before admission. The early birds athletes get the chosen spots - and this timeframe also allows for securing a good SAT score.

Our process

Student-athletes are individuals, not numbers, to us. So the first step is a discovery call to understand the athlete we are going to be supporting. The call will focus on academics - and college preferences - but will also allow us to get a sense of an athlete’s personality, ambitions and hopes for the scholarship experience.

Assessment is the next critical stage. We run assessment days, known as Trials, that consist of 6 technical sessions, followed by a match (around 4 hours in total), led by UEFA A and B-licensed coaches. Trials take place all over the UK and are designed to identify sporting ability and scholarship suitability. Assessment results are available 48 hours after the event.

If assessment is successful, there’s a further call to ensure suitability - then you’ll be invited to enroll in the Soccer Assist programme.

From here on, our support intensifies with:

Our Fees

At Soccer Assist, we believe in being transparent about our fees and offer payment options to make our services as accessible as possible. From basic packages to premium offerings, our services have been designed to connect the right talent with their best possible scholarship opportunity.  

Our guide to soccer scholarships