About us

We are a dynamic and innovative scholarship agency with a mission to connect talented athletes with life-changing opportunities.

Our Story

Back in 2014, our founders embarked on their own journey as student-athletes. They saw first hand the reality of excitedly starting out on a scholarship in the US only to find themselves feeling completely unsupported once overseas. This experience highlighted three guiding principles for the business they would later be inspired to establish:

  1. The right scholarship is vital - but  just the start of the process.

  2. A client-first focus, as well as networks, is what makes a scholarship agency so valuable.

  3. Even with talent and a great opportunity, student-athletes need to be supported, from sign up to graduation and beyond, to reach their maximum potential. 

More than a decade on and, today, we are an award-winning scholarship agency. Our personalised approach is rooted in nurturing talent, delivering the level of preparation and support that student-athletes actually need to make the most of the incredible opportunity that a scholarship represents.

We’re incredibly proud of the journey our business has taken to get here, from the early days of student-athletes ourselves, to the expert-led, fully supportive scholarship experience we offer today.


We understand that it’s not just students who need guidance through this process but those that support them too. Our success over the past decade has in-part been due to the strength of the partnerships we have built. These thrive on trust and shared values like excellence, integrity and consistency. Our partnerships not only benefit athletes but also help to enhance organisational commitment to their progress and increase long-term impact.

As a result, today student-athletes come to us from organisations worldwide that trust us to successfully manage the US university transition. Our partners are academic institutions, football clubs and non-governmental bodies looking for the right runway on which student-athletes can take off.

A partnership with Soccer Assist delivers many benefits, including:

  • Direct input from our expert team, from delivering presentations and workshops, to supplying detailed information packs about a scholarship and its development potential.

  • A fully bespoke and individually tailored service that includes 1:1 tailored interviews for students.

  • Student-athletes have the opportunity to play showcase matches against Soccer Assist Scholars and build a video portfolio.

  • Promotion and recruitment support via our online channels and far-reaching network.

Our Values

Our values show what really matters to us at Soccer Assist. They reflect what we have learned over the years - and the way we approach relationship building. Our values provide a firm foundation for continuous evolution and improvement of our leading edge service.